Thủ tướng nêu chiến lược '8G' trong phát triển ĐBSCL

Thủ tướng nêu chiến lược '8G' trong phát triển ĐBSCL

    We issue Resolution 120 with the spirit of being favorable and adaptive, but “it's not like we give it to heaven and earth, any impact is fine, but the main thing is that the traffic and irrigation works need to be taken care of. mind, landslides, causing loss to our fellow citizens need to be taken care of ”. The prime minister talked about the first G ...


    Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaking at the Conference. Photo VGP / Quang Hieu

    Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc emphasized this at the 3rd Conference on Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta (Mekong Delta) climate change adaptation today, March 13, in Can Tho, the capital of "nine dragons" land.

    This is the third time in his term that the Prime Minister chaired a large-scale conference on a prosperous Mekong Delta and sustainable development, demonstrating the Government's strong commitment to the development of the delta region, accounting for 20%. The country's population, contributing 18% to the national GDP, is heavily affected by climate change.

    Taking place in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, the conference was broadcast live on television stations of 13 provinces in the Mekong Delta, on the Government Portal, on the Government Information Facebook page.

    At the conference lasting nearly 5 hours, reports from ministries and agencies were presented with speeches and many responsible, enthusiastic, insightful, scientific and practical comments, especially. of local leaders, experts.

    Delegates have frankly acknowledged and assessed objectively on what has been done, what has not been done to develop the Mekong Delta. To what extent did Government Resolution 120 come to life? Through the opinions of comrades, there are many comments that highly appreciate the results this term has made for the Mekong Delta; Besides, there are also opinions that the Resolution to come to life is still slow, resources for the Mekong Delta are not much ... So what is the satisfactory answer?

    According to the reports and opinions at the conference, the whole region's economy continued to achieve a high growth rate (in 2018 it reached 7.8%, in 2019 it reached 7.22%). In 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, provinces in the Mekong Delta made efforts (GRDP reached 2.38%), contributing to making Vietnam one of the few countries in the world with GDP growth. positive in 2020.

    To achieve this result, in the 2016-2020 period, the total investment from the state budget for nearly 200 trillion VND (equivalent to nearly 9 billion USD) accounts for about 16% of the total national investment from the state budget, which is higher. much higher than the rate of 12% in the period 2011-2015. ODA source is 22 trillion dong (nearly 1 billion USD).

    Implementing a strategic pivot from rice - fruit - aquatic production to aquaculture - fruit - rice production has actively changed the area of ​​poor quality rice, often suffering from drought to seafood, fruit trees bring efficiency economic results are higher. For the first time, regional specialties such as dragon fruit, mango, breast milk, rambutan ... have been exported to demanding markets such as the United States, Japan, Australia ... People's lives have gradually improved. . The average income per capita in the first year of the term (2016) is 40 million VND, by 2019 it will reach 54 million VND, in 2020 is estimated at 57 million VND, an increase of one and a half times compared to the beginning of the term.

    Photo: VGP/Quang Hiếu

    Organized "Dialogue 2045" on Mekong Delta

    Opening the concluding speech at the Conference, the Prime Minister highly appreciated the comments, “the affection of delegates for the Nine Dragons' land or for the Mekong Delta or simply our West in anxiety. about the development as well as the impacts of extreme climate change ”.

    Referring to two verses, “The Mekong River has 9 doors and 2 lines. People love you immeasurably, but only one heart for you, ”the Prime Minister emphasized, the West is part of the blood and flesh of the Vietnamese Fatherland. The Mekong Delta has 13 provinces and cities, accounting for 12% of the area and 19% of the country's population, and is the largest agricultural production center of Vietnam, contributing 50% of rice production, 95% of rice exports. 65% of aquaculture production ... To the world, the World Bank's assessment shows that the Mekong Delta is a ripe rice bowl that accounts for about 20% of the global commercial rice volume and it is the West that contributes to food security in Europe. Asia, Africa and Latin America.

    The policies, solutions and actions of the Party and the Government in recent years are not only viewed from the perspective of economic development policies, but also show the sense of responsibility and sharing of the community. plan, of the people of the whole country to the people of the West. Everyday grains of rice, fruit, fish, most of which are deposited from alluvial droplets, the water of the hands and the diligent labor of the people of the Mekong Delta. Recalling the knife verse “Eat fruit, remember the one who planted the tree. Eat rice, remember the stab, grind, gradually, sieve ”, the Prime Minister expressed his thanks to the industrious, compassionate, and hardworking farmers in the West.

    The Prime Minister said that a week ago, the Government held a "Dialogue 2045" to seek breakthrough solutions and policies to realize Vietnam's aspirations to become a developed country by 2045. aspiration to "stand shoulder to shoulder with the five continents" of President Ho Chi Minh. According to the agenda, there will be at least

    Mekong Delta is a land of exhaustion, where was born and has all the factors that converge many talents from other places. We need to consider this an important, even decisive, resource. In the strategy to respond to the climate change challenge, financial and material resources are important, but the most decisive is human, human, brainpower, intellect, and emotional and courageous.

    On this occasion, the Prime Minister who initiated the Mekong Delta will hold a forum within the framework of the "Dialogue 2045" initiative to meet intellectuals, scientists, businesses, entrepreneurs, people who have more The process has been attached to and has been investing in Chin Rong land to find solutions for the people of the Mekong Delta to develop faster and more sustainably.

    By 2045, if the average income of the whole country is high but the income of the people of the Mekong Delta is still at the average level and everyday we are subjected to climate change, our goal has not yet been achieved. Uncle is still not successful.

    Success is determined by the specific actions of ministries, branches and local governments after today's conference, the Prime Minister stated.

    Photo byVGP/Quang Hiếu

    Do not recount the effort

    Talking about the results in the Mekong Delta development investment recently, the Prime Minister noted, “It is not allowed to count the results, but this result or the next mission is the responsibility of the Government, officials, civil servants, City Party Committee, Provincial Party Committee, People's Committee of Provinces and Cities ”. The results have been positive but that is only an important first step, much more work to be done.

    The Prime Minister clearly points out a new strategic point of view for the Mekong Delta through 8 words "8G" to be easy to apply in practice.

    The first "G" is "Giao". That is to spend resources and prioritize the development of irrigation and infrastructure systems in association with the common vision of the entire Mekong Delta, especially the expressway system, creating convenient connections, spending low fees, promote trade, expand economy for people, serve as a basis for effective response to the challenge of climate change.

    We issue Resolution 120 with the spirit of "favorable", which is adaptive, but "it is not that we depend on heaven and earth, whatever the impact is, but the main thing is that the traffic works, irrigation need to to be paid attention, landslide places, causing loss to our people, need to be taken care of ”.

    The second G is Spear. It is education and human resource development. It can be said that education is the golden key to sustainable development. For the Mekong Delta, education is both the answer to the short- and long-term development problem. The education system of the Mekong Delta needs to focus on the content of the "education, education and education" paradigm.

    Specifically, basic education ensures that all people, especially children, need to finish high school. No children are allowed to go to school because there are no financial conditions. The second education is vocational education, ensuring that people have access to basic jobs. Third is high-level education, which is the basis for transition to higher levels of productivity and income. The Prime Minister said that the issue of education and training has not been prominent and sharp in Resolution 120, proposing to add some key contents on this issue to the Resolution.

    The third G is "Giang" (river). According to the Prime Minister, the economy and livelihoods of the people here are associated with rivers such as Tien Giang, Hau Giang and many other rivers. The development strategy should take advantage of and promote the role of rivers to develop the economy of agriculture, rice, fruit, fisheries, transportation and especially the river logistic system. public. Without the river, the canal is not the culture of the West. "Myopia, near-sightedness, and myopia", the role of rivers is an indispensable factor when talking about the Mekong Delta. This issue is still blurred in Resolution 120, the Prime Minister proposed to study the concept of "river economy".

    The fourth G is "Attached". It is the link between the central government and the locality, the state with the market, the people and businesses, between the domestic and international organizations and investors, especially trying to link the Mekong Delta for sustainable development. .

    The fifth G is "Rich". It is actively attracting the rich, the wealthy, and the enterprises with the potential to invest in the development of the local economy. To have development resources, it is necessary to build 'eagle' nest. To do so, it is necessary to improve the business investment environment, reform administrative procedures, and enhance the competitiveness of the economy and each locality.

    The sixth letter G is “Good”, which actively attracts talents that contribute brainpower and wisdom to the development of the Mekong Delta. Therefore, it is necessary to have a general policy to attract talented people to return or contribute to the development of this Nine Dragons land. This issue has not been mentioned in Resolution 120, this is a shortcoming. The Prime Minister proposed to promote its role and attract better talents to the Mekong Delta.

    The 7th G is "Old". The Mekong Delta has an aging population higher than the national average. This is a group of vulnerable groups in terms of both socio-economic and environmental aspects. Do

    The 7th G is "Old". The Mekong Delta has an aging population higher than the national average. This is a group of vulnerable groups in terms of both socio-economic and environmental aspects. Therefore, the Mekong Delta needs to have proactive policies for the aging population and form a better social security network to support the welfare of the elderly and the vulnerable. After 3 years of implementing Resolution 120, we see an emerging issue of population aging, but this content is still lacking in the Resolution and needs to be supplemented and completed.

    The 8th G is "Gender", which means promoting gender equality, accessing job opportunities and promoting the role and position of women. The Prime Minister proposed to include this issue in Resolution 120.

    Assigning specific tasks to ministries, branches and the Prime Minister stated that, for the labor market, localities should pay attention to training and retraining human resources effectively, to catch up with the shifting trend. production for early preparation of necessary skills for workers, adapting to market demands. Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs takes the lead in developing and implementing this project.

    For the land market, it is necessary to promote land conversion to adapt to the needs and purposes of land use in the face of rapid and unpredictable changes of nature. Research to have a flexible basis in planning rice land, convert acreage to crops with higher economic value and have the ability to adapt to changes in climate change, ensuring revenue. income and sustainable livelihoods of the people. The Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to preside over the implementation, to prepare to replace the land use planning of the Mekong Delta provinces until 2020 which has expired. The Prime Minister also said that the Land Law will be consulted for revision later this year.

    The Prime Minister directed the State's resources to be prioritized for more infrastructure investment in the Mekong Delta; Accelerate the implementation and implementation of planned projects. Emphasizing, "the way through, then financial" (talent is financial), the Prime Minister proposed the development of aviation, road, waterways and railways to create a great driving force for the economic development of the land of Chin Rong.

    The Prime Minister proposed to study an emission taxation mechanism to encourage reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and thereby share the revenues back to support localities severely affected by climate change.

    After all, climate change is just exogenous change, once we still keep the cultural and spiritual roots, the factors with endogenous strength, we will grow rich. strong on the sacred land inherited from his father, the Prime Minister stated.

    Emphasizing the "favorable" development philosophy, but the Prime Minister said that its content is not resignation, acceptance of fate or the arrangement of creation. Climate change is not caused by nature but mainly as a result of human activities. Therefore, we must have right awareness to have the right solutions and actions./.
