Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Municipalities Ordering business dumping measures, delay in penetration and work to improve

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Municipalities Ordering business dumping measures, delay in penetration and work to improve

    Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Municipalities Ordering business dumping measures, delay in penetration and work to improve

    The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism "visualized" and announced the introduction status of dumping measures for operations (design, surveying, geological survey) ordered by municipalities. Municipalities that have not introduced both the low bid price survey system and the minimum price limit system account for about half of the total, and improvement is delayed compared to the construction work in which both systems are almost pervasive. The introduction status of each city, ward, town, and village is clearly shown in a color-coded map for each prefecture. Make it comparable to neighboring local governments so that it can be used as an opportunity for improvement.

    The published materials will be sent to the prefectures and government-designated cities on the 1st. Make the municipalities aware of this through each prefecture. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also start direct efforts by participating in the "Prefectural Public Works Contract Business Liaison Council (Prefectural Public Works Federation)" where construction contract managers of municipalities discuss by prefecture. Organizations that have been slow to improve will be followed up as needed.

    Until now, we have focused on the penetration of dumping measures for construction work, and the number of municipalities that have not introduced both systems has decreased to 81 groups (as of October 2021), which is about 5%. On the other hand, about 49% of the municipalities that have not introduced both systems in business are 853 organizations (as of July of the same year). Since the revised Public Works Quality Assurance Promotion Law (Public Works Quality Assurance Law), which came into effect in June 2019, stipulates that it is the responsibility of the ordering party to take measures against dumping in business, the number of unintroduced organizations has gradually decreased, but there are still many. Is the current situation.

    There are differences in the introduction status for each prefecture. For example, the municipalities of Ishikawa and Nagasaki prefectures have adopted either of both systems in at least some industries, and there were no organizations that have not introduced them. In 20 prefectures, the percentage of non-introductions in prefectures was more than 50%, and in some prefectures it was more than 80%.
    However, there are cases where the non-introduction of both systems cannot be said to be unconditionally inappropriate. Looking at the prefectural ordering business, 30 organizations have introduced both systems, 16 organizations have introduced either, and 1 organization has not introduced either. Fukuoka Prefecture, which has not yet introduced it, has introduced its own measures to prevent low bids. The target business will be notified to the bidders in advance by describing it in the special specifications. If the contract amount falls below a certain level, the contractor is required to carry out a third-party inspection or a meeting at the expense of the contractor.
